What is Starlink? Inside SpaceX's Satellite Internet
The potential of satellite internet has always been greater than the reality of using the technology. Creating a global network of internet connectivity fed to us through the power of satellites and reaching every far corner of the globe has remained an ambitious and revolutionary goal. But the reality of its capabilities,…
What is an APU? Is it the right chip for you?
Fast processing speed is essential when buying a new computer. Speed is paramount for gaming, editing videos, and other creative uses. So, you are trying to figure out whether you should get an: CPU (central processing unit) GPU (graphics processing unit) APU (accelerated processing unit) Or some combination. An APU is one…
Your Daisy Chain Monitors How to Guide
A single computer screen can often seem a bit limiting if you're a designer or coder. Switching windows or tabs is a productivity killer as it upsets your workflow. A dual monitor setup can save time and boost productivity by allowing you to focus on different tasks simultaneously and complete work in a shorter amount of…
Blockchain Technology Explained
Blockchain is a term widely used to represent an entire new suite of technologies. Blockchain was first introduced in 2008 as the distributed ledger behind bitcoin transactions. The technology has since taken on a life of its own, with interest coming from many quarters. Governments, businesses, and other organizations are…
Best Intel® Core™ i7 Windows Laptops from Acer
Intel released its first processor in 1969 after Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore left their careers in a semiconductor company and started their own venture. Their vision was simple: create better processors. Over the ensuing five decades, Intel has grown to be the world’s largest semiconductor chip manufacturer. Their long…
Upgrade your Web Surfing Experience with Browser Extensions
When the ARPANET project, the first successful version of a widely connected network, was conceived in 1966, no one could have imagined how big the online world would become. For years, in fact, the internet wasn’t even available to the masses. When the internet opened up to the public in the 1990s, the first browser was…
7 More Windows 11 Computer Keyboard Shortcuts
While our last piece covered some of the more well-known Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts, many others can save you significant time and effort. Here are seven more of the best Windows 11 computer keyboard shortcuts you need to know to make your PC activities much simpler, easier and more efficient. Create a Quick Screenshot…
Web Searching with Search Engines
What is a search engine? A search engine is an online tool that is designed to search for websites on the Internet based on a user’s search query. It looks for results in its own database, sorts them, and makes an ordered list of the most relevant results using unique and proprietary search algorithms. Although hundreds of…
Best Home Internet Deals for September 2022
While the availability of home internet has certainly come a long way in the last couple of decades, you might be unaware of whether your current ISP (internet service provider) delivers the best possible speeds and services. Rural areas have been especially hard hit, and while rural broadband initiatives have made notable…
USB4: Everything to Know About the Future of USB
USB4 has been on the market since 2019, but the latest version, known as USB4 version 2, offers users some notable benefits and advantages. You might be wondering, "what is USB4, and how will it improve my experiences with technology?" Learn more about what makes USB4 so important and how it will impact electronic devices…