From Creating to Cheating: Maximizing Your Fun in The Sims 4

edited January 15 in Gaming

Created by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts, The Sims 4 is a beloved life simulation game that allows players to create and control virtual people, known as Sims, as they navigate their lives in a vibrant open world. With a plethora of expansion packs, game packs, and downloadable content, the game offers endless possibilities for creativity and storytelling. However, many players seek to enhance their experience further through cheats and mods. 

Cheats can expedite processes, allowing players to achieve their goals faster, whether it’s building a dream home or leveling up skills. They can unlock various gameplay features, giving players greater control over their Sims’ lives. Mods can introduce new mechanics, expand customization options, and even improve realism, making the game feel fresh and engaging. 

However, there are potential downsides to consider. Relying too heavily on cheats may diminish the challenge and satisfaction of achieving goals through gameplay. Additionally, some cheats and mods can disrupt game balance, leading to unintended consequences. Players should weigh these factors when deciding how to incorporate cheats and mods into their experience. 

To enter cheats in The Sims 4: 

  1. Open the cheat console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C simultaneously on PC, Command + Shift + C on Mac, or all four shoulder buttons on PlayStation and Xbox. 
  2. Type "testingcheats true" (without the quotation marks) and press Enter to enable cheats. 
  3. Type the desired cheat code in the console. 
  4. Press Enter after each cheat code. 

Popular Cheats for The Sims 4 

There are many cheats that players can use to enhance their gameplay. Money cheats are popular for quickly boosting household funds. The most commonly used ones include: 

  • motherlode: Adds 50,000 simoleons to your household treasury. 
  • kaching or rosebud: Each adds 1,000 simoleons. 
  • money [amount]: Brings the funds of the active household to the specified amount. 

Skill cheats allow you to quickly enhance your Sims' abilities and advance their careers or hobbies. Use the following format: 

  • stats.set_skill_level [skill] [level]: Replace [skill] with the skill name and [level] with the desired skill level. For example, type "stats.set_skill_level Gourmet Cooking 10" (without quotes) to max out the Gourmet Cooking skill. 

Career cheats promote your Sim in their current occupation. Career options in The Sims 4 are plentiful, including astronauts, doctors, politicians, and tech gurus. Use this format: 

  • careers.promote [name of job or career] 

To demote your Sim, replace "promote" with "demote" in the above code (e.g., careers.demote doctor). 

Needs cheats allow you to quickly fulfill or manipulate your Sims' basic needs or motives, which include hunger, hygiene, energy, bladder, and social. To use these cheats, use the following commands in the cheat console: 

  • fillmotive motive_[need]: Fills a specific need (e.g., fillmotive motive_hunger). 
  • sims.fill_all_commodities: Fills all needs of the selected Sim. 
  • sims.add_buff [buff]: Adds a specific buff or temporary effect to your Sim (e.g., sims.add_buff Confidenthigh) 

Relationship cheats can help fulfill your Sims' social needs and advance their careers. Some cheats that allow you to quickly modify the relationships between Sims include: 

  • modifyrelationship [Sim1] [Sim2] [-100 to 100] LTR_Friendship_Main: Increases/decreases the friendship level between the two named Sims. 
  • modifyrelationship [Sim1] [Sim2] [-100 to 100] LTR_Romance_Main: Increases/decreases the romance level between the two named Sims. 
  • Modifyrelationship [SimName] [PetName] [-100 to 100] LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main: Increases/decreases the friendship level between the named Sim and the named pet cat or dog. 

Trait cheats enable you to tailor your Sims' characteristics and customize their personalities and behaviors. There are many traits available, from ambitious and cheerful to hot-headed and self-assured. Use the following code to add or remove traits: 

  • traits.[equip/remove]_trait [TraitName] (e.g., traits.equip_trait ambitious). 

Sims 4 build cheats provide greater flexibility and creativity in constructing your dream homes and lots. Unlock additional building features and remove restrictions by using the following commands: 

  • bb.enablefreebuild: Allows you to build on locked lots like hospitals and dormitories. 
  • bb.moveobjects: Lets you place objects anywhere without grid restrictions. 
  • bb.showliveeditobjects: Reveals additional world objects for building. 
  • bb.showhiddenobjects: Unlocks the buy debug catalog of hidden objects, including collectibles. 
  • bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: Unlocks all objects tied to careers and aspirations. 

Top Mods for The Sims 4 

Mods in The Sims 4 are user-created content that enhances or alters gameplay, such as new items, behaviors, or visual changes. To install them, download the mod files, place them in the Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods folder, and enable custom content in the game settings. Here are some of the best mods for The Sims 4: 

  • UI Cheats Extension: Simplifies the use of cheats by allowing players to click on various elements in the user interface to modify needs, add money, or change the time without typing commands. 
  • Slice of Life: Adds depth to Sims' personalities and emotions, introducing new interactions and features that make gameplay more immersive. 
  • Meaningful Stories: Revamps the mood and emotion system, making Sims' feelings more realistic and nuanced, which enhances storytelling possibilities. 
  • Better BuildBuy: Enhances the build mode by organizing debug and live edit objects, adding filters, and enabling easier object placement and customization. It significantly improves the building experience by making it more user-friendly and efficient. 
  • MC Command Center: Provides extensive customization options, including story progression, fine-tuning gameplay, and managing various aspects of Sim life. 

To fully enjoy The Sims 4 with mods and cheats, having a capable gaming machine is essential. Computers like Acer's Nitro 16 Gaming Laptop and Nitro 50 Gaming Desktop are excellent choices. These machines offer powerful performance, ensuring smooth gameplay even with multiple mods installed. With high-quality graphics and fast processing speeds, players can enjoy the game without lag or performance issues, making for a more enjoyable experience. 

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About Lalaine Capucion: Lalaine has been working as a freelance writer and editor for more than 12 years, focusing on lifestyle, travel, and wellness. When she isn’t writing, she's most likely curled up with a good book or trying out a new recipe in the kitchen. She lives in Metro Manila, Philippines.  



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