How to Use Console Commands in KCD 2

edited 7:02AM in Gaming

Console commands allow players to modify game mechanics, enable cheats, and tweak settings in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Whether you want unlimited money, easier lockpicking, or gravity-defying horse jumps, console commands can help enhance your gameplay experience. 

Why are console commands useful? 

Console commands provide a unique way to customize the gameplay experience in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, offering both practical and experimental benefits. Many commands serve as quality-of-life improvements, such as enabling a crosshair while aiming a gun, which can improve combat precision. Others allow players to alter the game's difficulty by removing certain mechanics or making enemies more dangerous, catering to those who seek a greater challenge. 

Beyond difficulty adjustments, console commands also open up creative and entertaining gameplay possibilities. They let players manipulate gravity, change the weather, or spawn unlimited resources, essentially allowing them to "play god" within the game world. Additionally, console commands provide the only way to acquire exclusive items from previous limited-time promotions, such as Twitch Drops, pre-order bonuses, and Gold Edition content. Since these promotions are no longer available, console commands ensure that no content is permanently locked away from players. 

Do console commands disable achievements 

No, using console commands in KCD2 does not disable Steam achievements. You can freely use them without worrying about missing out on accomplishments. 

How to enable and use console commands

  1. Open Steam, right-click KCD2, and select Properties
  2. In the General section, find Launch Options and enter -devmode. 
  3. While in-game, press tilde (~) to open the console. 
  4. Type a command and press Enter

Useful console commands

1. Gameplay convenience 

  • Allows saving without Saviour Schnapps: wh_sys_NoSavePotion = 1 
  • Keeps the reticle visible when aiming with a bow or gun: wh_plshowfirecursor 1 
  • Hides the HUD for cleaner screenshots: wh_ui_showHUD = 0 
  • Removes fog of war from the map permanently: player_revealFow 

2. Economy and inventory 

  • Adds X amount of Groschen to your inventory: wh_cheat_money X 
  • Adds an item to your inventory (replace X with an item ID): wh_cheat_addItem X 

For a full list of all item descriptions, check out this spreadsheet

3. Horse mechanics 

  • Instantly steals a horse by mounting it and using this command (ownership may reset on save/load or region changes): wh_horse_StealCurrentHorse 
  • Increases horse jump height (default is 1, max effective value is around 200): wh_horse_JumpHeight = 200 
  • Lowers horse gravity, allowing flight (use cautiously as you may keep floating indefinitely): wh_horse_JumpGravityMult = -0.1 
  • Prevents the camera from auto-centering while riding a horse: wh_horse_CameraCentering=0 

4. Combat and difficulty 

  • Enables one-shot kills for both you and enemies: wh_rpg_OneShotKill = 1 
  • Removes guard pursuit if you're wanted: wh_cheat_set_wanted_level=0 

5. Lockpicking 

  • Removes lockpicking shake for easier picking: wh_pl_LockPickingShakeOverride = 0 
  • Increases the amount of time you can lockpick before your pick breaks: wh_lockpickingdof = 50 

6. Weather and environment 

  • Controls rain intensity (use 1 for heavy rain, -1 for no rain, or any value between 0-1 to adjust intensity): wh_env_RainIntensityOverride = -1 
  • Toggles whether the weather changes naturally (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled): wh_env_WeatherUpdateEnabled = 1 

7. Exploration and movement 

  • Teleports you to specified coordinates: goto (coordinates) 
  • Displays your current coordinates for teleporting: wh_rpg_getLocation 

Console commands provide a powerful toolset for players looking to modify their experience in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Whether you're using them for convenience, challenge, or pure fun, they allow for deeper engagement with the game. While experimenting with cheats, always remember to save beforehand to avoid unintended consequences. With these commands, you can shape the world of Bohemia to your liking.

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Patrick Yu is a Senior Project Manager at Level Interactive and has 8 years of experience writing business, legal, lifestyle, gaming, and technology articles. He is a significant contributor to Acer Corner and is currently based in Taipei, Taiwan.


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