Standing Desk Buyer’s Guide 2022: Are they worth it?

edited January 15 in Lifestyle

Do you want to improve productivity? Do you want to improve your posture? A standing desk can keep you happy and healthy, from improved posture and reduced back pain to increased productivity and office space-saving. Here we discuss the benefits of standing desks and if they are right for you. 

What is a standing desk? 

A standing desk allows you to work while standing up comfortably. The height is usually between 70 to 128 cm. 

Standing desks models can be either: 

  1. A fixed height 
  2. Adjustable sit/stand desks 

Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for us. One Mayo Clinic doctor even coined the phrase, "sitting is the new smoking." Increased sitting time is associated with lots of illnesses, and a standing desk could be your way to reducing susceptibility to pain and injury. 

Your standing desk's elevated working surface is suitable for tasks including: 

  • Computer work 
  • Writing 
  • Architectural drawing 
  • Easing lower back pressure for pregnant women 

Designs vary by manufacturer and can improve posture, productivity, and general health. 

6 Benefits and Advantages of Standing Desks 

Research shows that sitting for too long can increase the chances of various illnesses and even premature death. Here are six benefits of using a standing desk backed up by science. 

1. Standing burns more calories 

Sitting burns very few calories. Standing takes more effort than sitting down, so you will simply burn more calories. The difference is slight but can add up over the days and weeks. 

A standing desk doesn't root you to one spot like sitting - you can walk around between tasks to get the blood flowing, and you can burn up to 210 calories per hour. Compared to an afternoon of sitting work, the same amount of time spent standing has been shown to burn an extra 170 calories. 

2. Standing reduces long-term disease risks 

Reduce the likelihood of illnesses related to 'sitting down disease' such as: 

  1. Diabetes 
  2. Cancers including colon and breast cancers 
  3. Obesity 
  4. Heart disease 

Prolonged sitting is bad for your health. A strong association exists between a sedentary lifestyle and heart disease and type 2 diabetes. One review of 18 studies found that those who sit the most have a 49% greater risk of early death than those who sit the least. So, a standing desk can help offset this. 

3. Standing can reduce cholesterol 

Standing and moving can reduce cholesterol and get your metabolism going. Spending more time, and less time sitting lowers your blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight, which reduces your heart disease risk. 

4. Reduce back and neck pain 

Back and neck pain is common in office workers who sit all day. Standing keeps you correctly aligned and can take the pressure off your back and neck. 

Several studies show that standing desks can decrease back pain caused by extended sitting. The participants in one study reported up to a 32% improvement in lower back pain after using standing desks for several weeks. Another study found a sit-stand desk reduced upper back and neck pain by 54% after just four weeks. 

5. Save space 

If you are low on space standing desks can help. As people can move around each other more easily rather than squeezing past someone's chair or standing up and sitting down as others go by. 

6. Improve Productivity and Creativity 

For some people, moving around eliminates boredom and sparks creativity, and moving between stations could help increase employee group engagement. 

Standing desks appear to improve overall well-being. In fact, in one 7-week study, those who used standing desks had less stress and fatigue than those who sat the entire workday. 

6 Disadvantages of Standing Desks 

There hasn't been enough research into the long-term benefits of standing desks. 

  1. Pain: Standing all day has its benefits and its costs. One side effect is pretty obvious - standing all day can be a pain: aching ankles, knees, and hips. People who stand all day without moving are prone to varicose veins. So, a sit-stand desk might be more appropriate. 
  2. Minor Calorie Burning: Standing at your workstation is no replacement for exercise and is not a miracle cure for weight loss. It's the gradual burning of extra calories that takes effect. 
  3. Less Productive: Some people actually find it makes them less productive. People who don't move around found the extra time standing took too much of a toll and didn't help with creativity or productivity. 
  4. Cost: desk prices range from $100 to upwards of $2000. Be careful when choosing your desk - it could be costly. 
  5. Discomfort: as with starting anything new, you might experience pain from standing for extended periods than you are used to. We suggest increasing the amount of time gradually. 
  6. Limited desk choices. If you're taller or shorter than average not all standing desks will fit you. 

Is a standing desk better than a sitting desk? 

Basically, the jury's still out. Many people swear by standing desks to get them moving, easing joint pain, and getting their blood pumping so they can perform better and erase their aches and pains. 

Other people say that while they can be good, stand-up desks have aspects that detract from their benefits. We suggest you try things out for yourself to find what's best for you. 

What can you do to check if a standing desk is right for you 

In case it might not be for you, we suggest trying a few alternatives to spending large amounts of money. These are temporary solutions to see if they fit your lifestyle and work pattern. 

  1. DIY Standing Desk: The easiest and cheapest would be to pile some books up and rest your laptop at the right height. It might not look great, but it is temporary and will allow you to check the best height for you. 
  2. Laptop StandA laptop stand is pretty much the same idea but a lot more stylish. The SOUNDANCE Ergonomic Laptop Stand and the JOYEKY Adjustable Laptop Stand are viable and affordable options. Prices range from $30 to much more. 
  3. Comparison Shop 

Before buying for your office, check Walmart and Amazon for cheaper prices. Prices can go as low as $149. 

These simple ideas could make it clear that a standing desk is the best option for you. 

If you see equal benefits to standing and sitting desks, sit-stand desks are adjustable for both sitting and standing- giving you the best of both worlds. These desks balance dynamic and static activities, enabling you to move smoothly from one to the other without difficulty. If you already suffer from back issues, this is probably your best idea. 

Our conclusion: are standing desks worth it? 

It depends on who you talk to and what your job is. For years there have been rave reviews and fantastic tales about stand-up desks' benefits. The idea of not sitting all day is a good one as far as your health is concerned, and it could certainly save you space. 

However, current research is limited and not conclusive. It is a personal choice, and you should try our straightforward suggestions to see if it is a good option. It could be a risk to spend a great deal of money on a desk without being sure. 

However, if you try these alternatives, you could find that a standing desk is exactly what you need to put a bit more energy and positivity into your work, writing, or artwork. You can also look at ways to improve your posture while working.



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